Instant Immersion Hausa Level 1
Living in another country is the best way to learn a foreign language, but for most of us, that is not an option. Instant Immersion’s award-winning language software was designed using the same proven techniques and methods that occur in an immersive environment to help you learn as quickly, easily and naturally as possible. Associating words with pictures is a proven way to reinforce a new language in your memory. Furthermore, there are opportunities to record your pronunciation and hear it repeated to judge your progression. A game-like atmosphere makes learning fun, and a modern, intuitive interface helps you easily navigate the programs and keeps track of your progress. Instant Immersion’s best-selling programs have helped more than 6 million people with their language-learning goals. Now, it’s your turn! |
Hausa Course Level 1

Quickly Learn the Basics Using the same method you used to learn your first language, you will quickly and easily begin to understand, read and speak essential words in Hausa categories such as food, numbers, shopping and time. Practice Hausa with virtual flashcards, play games and record yourself saying the words to practice pronunciation. The fun interactive atmosphere keeps you coming back. So do the feelings of success and accomplishment! Demo Video Learn Hausa for Free |
Download Version: Microsoft Windows (XP,Vista,7,8), 260MB hard drive space, 960x600 min resolution, sound card, microphone (recommended). Apple Mac with OSX 10.6 - 10.9, 260MB hard drive space, 960x600 min resolution, sound card, microphone (recommended). Tablets (iPad, Android) and Smartphones (iPhone, Android) are not supported.
Download Version: Licensed to an individual for installation/use on their compatible devices.
School - Corporate - Institutional Use - please see