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Instant Immersion Marathi Course
Have fun, save money and reach your goals faster – Guaranteed!

Understand the basics of the Marathi language and develop speaking skills you need to become confident and conversational in social interactions with the beginner level of our interactive software.

  • Newest Version - the newest version is exclusive to www.InstantImmersion.com.
  • Start Immediately – Download and access your course materials immediately after purchase.
  • Money Back Guarantee – 90-day, no-risk money-back guarantee included with the purchase.

Instant Immersion's Marathi course is the best way to learn Marathi

Instant Immersion's best-selling software has helped more than 6 MILLION people with their language-learning goals.


Level 1

Learn the Essentials
Level 1 - Marathi - Online Version
Delivery Method Delivery?
Web Access Subscription (1-Year)


Learn the essentials of Marathi with vocabulary, everyday phrases and rewarding games to help you retain what you learned.
Level 1 - Quickly Learn the Basics
Level 2

Speak with Confidence
Level 2 - Marathi - Online Version
Delivery Method Delivery?
Web Access Subscription (1-Year)


Once you’ve got the basics, you will be ready for more Marathi vocabulary and phrases.
Level 2 - Speak with Confidence

What’s the difference between us and Rosetta Stone® Show Me
Both Rosetta Stone® and Instant Immersion™ are respected brands. Both offer multi-level language-learning software. And both use similar teaching methods. So, why does Instant Immersion cost so much less? Because we don’t spend millions of dollars on advertising and marketing campaigns. Try Instant Immersion. We guarantee you will be satisfied or we will give you your money back!

Instant Immersion at Costco, Sams, Target

Instant Immersion Marathi Level 1

Living in another country is the best way to learn a foreign language, but for most of us, that is not an option. Instant Immersion’s award-winning language software was designed using the same proven techniques and methods that occur in an immersive environment to help you learn as quickly, easily and naturally as possible. Associating words with pictures is a proven way to reinforce a new language in your memory. Furthermore, there are opportunities to record your pronunciation and hear it repeated to judge your progression. A game-like atmosphere makes learning fun, and a modern, intuitive interface helps you easily navigate the programs and keeps track of your progress. Instant Immersion’s best-selling programs have helped more than 6 million people with their language-learning goals. Now, it’s your turn!

Marathi Course
Level 1

Learn how to speak Marathi with our Marathi Language Learning Software

Quickly Learn the Basics
Using the same method you used to learn your first language, you will quickly and easily begin to understand, read and speak essential words in Marathi categories such as food, numbers, shopping and time. Practice Marathi with virtual flashcards, play games and record yourself saying the words to practice pronunciation. The fun interactive atmosphere keeps you coming back. So do the feelings of success and accomplishment!

Web Version: Microsoft Windows (XP,Vista,7,8), 960x600 min resolution, sound card, microphone (recommended). Apple Mac with OSX 10.6 - 10.9, 960x600 min resolution, sound card, microphone (recommended). Web browser with Adobe Flash Support is required. Tablets (iPad, Android) and Smartphones (iPhone, Android) are NOT supported.

Web-based Version: Licensed to an individual to use on any compatible computer .

School - Corporate - Institutional Use - please see www.InstantImmersion-VT.com

Instant Immersion Marathi Level 2

Living in another country is the best way to learn a foreign language, but for most of us, that is not an option. Instant Immersion’s award-winning language software was designed using the same proven techniques and methods that occur in an immersive environment to help you learn as quickly, easily and naturally as possible. Associating words with pictures is a proven way to reinforce a new language in your memory. Furthermore, there are opportunities to record your pronunciation and hear it repeated to judge your progression. A game-like atmosphere makes learning fun, and a modern, intuitive interface helps you easily navigate the programs and keeps track of your progress. Instant Immersion’s best-selling programs have helped more than 6 million people with their language-learning goals. Now, it’s your turn!

Marathi Course
Level 2

Study Marathi with our Marathi learning software and worksheets Speak with Confidence
Once you’ve got the basics, you will be ready for more Marathi vocabulary and phrases. Topics in Level 2 include greetings, restaurants, hotels, travel, computers and more. Quiz yourself, print out the dictionary to practice on the go or really hone your speaking skills. Using our Voice Recording Feature, listen to a word spoken by an Marathi native speaker, then record yourself repeating it. This natural listening process will give you confidence to speak in the real world!

Web Version: Microsoft Windows (XP,Vista,7,8), 960x600 min resolution, sound card, microphone (recommended). Apple Mac with OSX 10.6 - 10.9, 960x600 min resolution, sound card, microphone (recommended). Web browser with Adobe Flash Support is required. Tablets (iPad, Android) and Smartphones (iPhone, Android) are NOT supported.

Web-based Version: Licensed to an individual to use on any compatible computer .

School - Corporate - Institutional Use - please see www.InstantImmersion-VT.com

Instant Immersion Marathi Dialect Choices

We offer this software in different dialects. Each dialect reflects the use of the language by a particular country or region.
Different dialects for the same language usually differ by certain words or phrases having different pronunciation, grammar or vocabulary.

If you are unclear which dialect to select, chose the primary dialect.

Instant Immersion - Delivery Choices

 We offer two methods of software delivery. Chose the option which best fits the way you will be using the software.

Download and Install
  Select this option to download the software immediately after purchase, install on your computer (PC/Mac – not a tablet or smartphone) and then activate it. Internet access is required during the download and activation. Software download and activations are limited to prevent piracy.

Web Access Subscription
  Select this option to use the programs immediately after purchase on your computer (PC/Mac – not a tablet or smartphone). Internet access is required while using the software. You are allowed to use the software on any computer, whether it is your computer or a friend's. We provide ample time to use the product (years) before the subscription expires and the course can be renewed.
Comparison Download Version Web Access Version
Download and install on your computer(s)  
Use on any computer without installation  
Internet Connection Requirements Required for download and license activation Required while using the software
Upgrades Not available Automatic with active subscription
Software Updates Download and install when prompted Always the latest version
License YOU can install/use it on any of your computers YOU can use it on any computer

Instant Immersion Level 1

Web Access Subscription
  This option allows you to use the programs immediately after purchase on your computer (PC/Mac – not a tablet or smartphone). Internet access is required while using the software. You are allowed to use the software on any computer, whether it is your computer or a friend's. We provide ample time to use the product (years) before the subscription expires and the course can be renewed.
  Web Access Version
Download and install on your computer(s)  
Use on any computer without installation
Internet Connection Requirements Required while using the software
Upgrades Automatic with active subscription
Software Updates Always the latest version
License YOU can use it on any computer

Instant Immersion Level 2

Web Access Subscription
  This option allows you to use the programs immediately after purchase on your computer (PC/Mac – not a tablet or smartphone). Internet access is required while using the software. You are allowed to use the software on any computer, whether it is your computer or a friend's. We provide ample time to use the product (years) before the subscription expires and the course can be renewed.
  Web Access Version
Download and install on your computer(s)  
Use on any computer without installation
Internet Connection Requirements Required while using the software
Upgrades Automatic with active subscription
Software Updates Always the latest version
License YOU can use it on any computer

What's the difference between us and Rosetta Stone®? ...About $230

Compare Rosetta Stone and Instant Immersion

Instant Immersion 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
If you are not completely satisfied with a product purchased from InstantImmersion.com in the last 90 days, simply complete our online refund form (your name and order number is all we need to know). A refund to your credit card or PayPal account will be processed the next business day.

If you did NOT purchase your Instant Immersion product from us directly, please use the Contact Us link at the top of our website.